Hearing Out Life Drama Blog

Calm Sep 01, 2024

Horns honk, crowds bustle, kids shout—life is noisy and fast-paced, and it can be overwhelming. Every day, news articles point out the harm of that stress. But as someone living in this world, what can you do about it?

Finding Calm with...

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Retirement Aug 25, 2024

“I want to hit the trifecta.  Time, money and the health to enjoy it,” a friend said to me.  While the trifecta may be out of reach, there’s much good to be found in retirement.  This blog post will reflect on the...

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On Their Own Aug 18, 2024

The time has come.  The ones you’ve nurtured to adulthood are about to be on their own.  

Encouraging Independence: Letting Them Find Their Way on Their Own

When our children grow up and move out, they will be confronted with...

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Stress and Learning Aug 11, 2024

If they haven’t yet, schools will be starting up soon. And parents everywhere want their children to be able to learn their best. This article will focus on one aspect that you can take to help your student in all subjects, regardless of...

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Coping with Mean People & Mean Behaviors in Your Life Aug 04, 2024

Yesterday, I started to have mean words come out of my mouth, and I stopped myself.  The people in the room said, “Say it.”  Which took me back.  I knew they were being honest asking for my truth.  I reiterated...

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Scaffolding for Teens: Let Them Learn Jul 28, 2024

What is Scaffolding for Teens

I once heard psychologist Aimee Yermish use this example from The Princess Bride to explain scaffolding in a presentation.  She was using the idea of teaching young people to make telephone calls.  


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Communication Jul 21, 2024

It was fun to play with two tin cans and a string to communicate with our friends when we were young.  Even though we could usually hear them without the cans.  As adults, however, communication can be more...

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"I Feel Like Running Away" Jul 14, 2024

This is a feeling that doesn’t just happen when you’re a kid.  In fact, it’s so common that Time magazine wrote about it in 2016, and in recent days it’s a common theme it’s popped up again in social media. ...

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Found Family Jul 07, 2024

“I need to go to the hospital.”

“I’ll be there in 45 minutes.” Which meant she was walking out the door as she was talking. I was having complications in my second pregnancy. She came to get my older daughter, so that...

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Parenting Advice: How Listening Can Strengthen Bonds - Guest Blog Post by Julie Reid McCalpin Jun 30, 2024

Noah Kahan sings,  “I’m still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them”

My mother was always so angry at her parents, especially her mother, so this line resonates with me. I’d like to think each...

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How to Be a Part of Your Adult Children's Busy Life: Tips for Parents Jun 23, 2024

“You never write. You never call.”  Some parents say this to their adult children. It’s an expression of powerlessness. If the complaint is offered repetitively, it’s no wonder they don’t initiate contact!


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Importance of Listening Jun 16, 2024

The world seems very divided these days. Wars are evidence of it. Our political climate is evidence of it. A rise in anger is evidence as well. It seems like a very good time to emphasize the importance of listening. It’s hard to stay angry...

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How to Be Happy Jun 09, 2024

Most of us are quick to say that our desire for our children is that they are happy.  The funny thing is, we can’t create happy for them.  

Have you ever noticed that when you are around a happy person, you usually start to...

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Man or Bear Jun 02, 2024

In the last month, there’s been a meme that’s blown up.  It began with the simple question: Would you rather your daughter be in the woods with an unknown man or an unknown bear.  It morphed into “would you rather...

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Men and Emotions May 26, 2024

In our society right now, men have been conditioned to believe that they shouldn’t have or express strong emotions. While this has shifted somewhat during my lifetime, we still have a ways to go. Men are humans, and as such are entitled to...

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Road Rage May 19, 2024

I’ve been on several podcasts recently, and I’ve shared the experience of being a young child in the car.  My parents had a disagreement after an incident with another driver.  My parent driving erupted in rage.  The car...

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Missing Mom - Contributor, Jennifer L. Peterson May 12, 2024

On this Mother’s Day, Linda and I wanted to acknowledge that not everyone experiences the 

stereotypical image of a mother-daughter relationship–close, warm, sharing, loving. It certainly is an ideal relationship.

Everybody has a...

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Empathy and Workplace Etiquette May 05, 2024

Empathy is increasingly recognized as a crucial component of effective workplace dynamics. But is there such a thing as too much empathy? I was asked during a Q&A portion of a presentation I recently gave if it was possible to offer too much...

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Comparing Yourself to Others Apr 28, 2024

In today's interconnected world, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Whether it's scrolling through social media feeds or observing our peers in real life, the temptation to measure our worth against others can be...

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Causes of Overthinking and Strategies to Manage It Apr 21, 2024

I know I overthink a lot. In fact, as we were working on this blog post, Linda and I spent entirely too much time overthinking our approach!

Because this is such a common challenge, let’s go deep and look at it all the way around.



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How to Break Free From Perfectionism and Embrace Imperfection Apr 14, 2024

I have battled perfectionism for the majority of my life. In fact, it was one of the many reasons I didn’t think I’d ever be cut out for parenthood. It was often repeated in my family of origin, “If you can’t do it right...

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How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Once and for All Apr 07, 2024

Self-sabotage. It's a term we often hear but may not fully understand. Yet, many of us have experienced its effects in our lives, sometimes without even realizing it. Let’s explore what self-sabotage is, how it manifests, and the root causes...

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Benefits of Using a Professional Listener Mar 31, 2024

With the busy life we all have today, finding a moment of genuine connection and understanding can feel like a rare and valuable gift. If you have people in your life who regularly give you this gift, be sure to tell them thank you.

What happens,...

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How Does Procrastination Affect Productivity? Mar 24, 2024

I asked Linda if she wanted to write a blog post about how procrastination affects productivity, and she said, “I could kick that one down the road a bit…” I love working with her so much.

But my motto is, “Done is...

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